Save and submit work from a CMS Chromebook
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
- Click on “Course Tools” and “Assignments”
Step 4:
- Open the Assignment. You will see your instructor’s description of the assignment here. Here you can upload a file, record audio & video, and enter text.
- Scroll down and click on “Add file”.
Step 5:
- Click on “My Computer” and then click on “Upload”.
Step 6:
- Click on “My Downloads” and select the assignment you want to upload.
Step 7:
- Wait until your file has uploaded completely and you see the File Upload Results page.
- Review these details to make sure everything looks correct.
- Click “Submit”.
Step 8:
- You will receive a confirmation when your assignment has been submitted successfully.
Step 9:
- Chromebooks have limited storage, CMS Students will need to clear storage consistently. (Daily or Weekly)
- Below are helpful tips on how to maintain Chromebook storage.
Clearing storage space on your Chromebook.
Tip: Create a folder in your CMS Google Drive named "Central Piedmont". Move all your Brightspace Submitted files from your downloads folder to this folder.
Troubleshooting Tips
If you are experiencing problems with submitting your assignment:
Rename your file so that there are no spaces or special characters.
Use only letters, numbers, and periods.
Example: ebrandonEssay2.pdf
Use Chrome as your browser
Be sure to clear cache/cookies
Close your browser and re-open new windows
Check if you need to install updates to your browser or OS
Restart your computer