Annual Review of Technology Requests



To ensure the availability of appropriate resources and funding that also align with the strategic goals of Central Piedmont, technology requests will be annually reviewed by Cabinet.


Technology requests that will be used to support Central Piedmont’s mission and values.

Responsible Area/Positions

  • All Central Piedmont Units
  • Cabinet Members
  • Information Technology Services (ITS) Unit


  1. Submit a new technology service inquiry using the Team Dynamix client portal.
  2. Requests that are not standard hardware and/or software will be reviewed by ITS to ensure there is not already a current solution, there is no duplication of efforts across multiple Central Piedmont units, and that the product meets Central Piedmont’s security and infrastructure standards.
    1. If the request requires a project, a Charter will be generated by ITS outlining the business requirements by the requester, estimated cost, estimated resource load, and how the request aligns with the strategic objectives of Central Piedmont.
  3. Standard hardware/software and hardware/software that have gone through the above review process, not approved as a project, and/or not already funded will go on the Technology Request list for consideration.
  4. Each October, all items on the Technology Request list will be reviewed and prioritized by Cabinet based upon projected funding and available resources.
  5.  A project request will be generated by ITS for all technology requests approved for funding that require assistance from the ITS Project Management Office.
  6. The Executive Director of General Management and Program Management and Office will send a communication to the Central Piedmont Leadership Council (including Procurement) notifying them of technology requests approved for funding for the following fiscal year.
  7. Approved technology requests will be listed in the projected expenses (for the appropriate fiscal year) within the ITS unit “College-Wide Technology” budget.
  8. Technology requests not approved will remain on the Technology Request list for future consideration when resources and/or funding become available.




Article ID: 18009
Fri 1/12/24 1:59 PM
Wed 12/18/24 8:02 AM