Online Elections


The Online Elections application developed by the ITS Software Development team provides online voting for the Student Government and College Senate organizations.



The Online Elections application, developed by the ITS Software Development team, provides a secure method for the Student Government and College Senate to hold elections online.

Audience: Public


A service request should be submitted to begin the process for SGA or College Senate election setup.  Complete election and candidate information must be provided.


The following basic election information must be provided:

  • Election start date and start time (e.g. March 20, 2024 at 8:00am). Voting begins.
  • Election end date and end time (e.g. March 31, 2024 at 11:59pm). Voting ends.
  • One or more positions being voted on (e.g. 'President', 'Vice-president', 'Secretary', 'Treasurer')
  • Contact email. The person organizing the election. 
  • Eligibility (i.e. currently enrolled students, or faculty and professional staff). Only those who meet this criteria will be allowed to vote.  


One or more candidates is required for each position in the election. For each candidate, the following information is required:

  • Name
  • A candidate statement. This should be plain text that describes the candidate's message or platform.
  • Photo (optional). An image file that depicts the candidate. If this isn't provided, a 'no photo available' placeholder may be substituted.   
  • The position this candidate is running for in this election.