Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to access and navigate your Accommodate portal (Click on the images to enlarge and view more clearly).
Accommodate centralizes student accommodation management. It streamlines the process for requesting, viewing, and managing accommodations, with features like accessibility mode, request submissions, renewals, resource access, and appointment scheduling.
- To submit an initial request for accommodations, complete this form:
- Log-in to Accommodate here: and select “Student”
- After you log-in you will arrive in the “Home” section.
- By selecting “Profile” on the homepage you can view and edit your account details
To turn on Accessibility Mode for screen readers After signing in, navigate to Profile > Personal > select ‘Yes’ for Accessible Mode > Save Changes. The system is still accessible even without this turned on, but it will make it easier for screen readers.
To view your original accessibility request, select “Accommodation” > “Accessibility Request”
To view your accommodation letters, select “Accommodation” > “Accessibility Letters”
Once the letter is open, you can print or generate a PDF of the accommodation letter. To return to the full list, select “Return to List (Accommodation Letter)”
To submit a request for supplemental accommodations, select “Accommodation” > “Supplemental Request” > “Add New”
- To renew your accommodations, select “Accommodation” > “Semester Request” > “Add New”
- To request an appointment with a Disability and Access Services staff member, select “Appointment Request” > “Request New Appointment”
- To upload a new document, select “Documents” under the Accommodation Tab > “Add New Accessibility Document”
- To view resources uploaded by Disability and Access Services, select “Resources” > “Resource Library”
Following the completion of these steps students should know how to request accommodations through Disability and Access Services and know how to access and navigate their student Accommodate account.