Backing Up Caption Files


In this article, we will cover how to make backups of caption files that have been created in Panopto


Requires user to have Creator access


If a user has spent a lot of time cleaning up or adding captions to their sessions, it is a best practice to have backup copies of these files in case anything happens to the ones on Panopto. Below is a series of steps that users can do to backup their captions.

  1. Log into the Panopto web interface and then to your sessions.
  2. Hover over a session and select Settings.
  3. Click on the Captions option in the list on the left.
  4. Under Available Captions, click on the black triangle to expand it.
  5. Locate the option to  "Download unedited caption file". Click this link to download the original unaltered caption file.
  6. If the session has been edited, either by making cuts or editing the captions, there will be a "Download file" option. Click this link as well. This will download the altered caption file.
  7. Each file will download in TXT format, which can be easily opened and viewed on your computer.
  8. Repeat this process for any additional sessions.

These files can be stored in your personal folder or in a cloud folder as a backup.

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