Conceal Browse

To be installed on your Central Piedmont desktop: Browser plugin

Why Conceal: Adds comprehensive malware protection to browsers via a lightweight browser extension. In layman’s terms, it “prevents the happy clicker” from malicious downloads and ransomware. This tool will enable users to continue browsing even if the site is considered suspicious. The isolation mode allows you to browse in a protected shell, preventing installation of malicious downloads or ransomware. Conceal also includes credential theft prevention, which blocks you from logging into fake websites.

Benefits of Conceal:

  • Prevents you from going to malicious sites, downloading malware, etc.
  • Protects you from credential theft. 
  • Blocks malicious downloads and gives warnings of potential download issues.
  • Activates isolation mode when a suspicious website is accessed. This allows you to browse in a virtual shell called the Isolation Environment, preventing harm to your device.

When: Beginning January 25, 2024, Information Technology Services will install Conceal on all ITS-managed devices.

What you will notice: 

  1. Icon at top of Desktop. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. When browsing a normal website: no changes.
  3. When browsing a suspicious website: Conceal will put you into an isolation session, allowing you utilize the website safely.  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

NOTE: "Isolation mode" means conceal has determined the URL is potentially suspicious; however, isolation mode allows you to continue to work in a protected shell. If this is a site you feel is not suspicious or that you will need to use again in the future, please submit a ticket to the Service Desk.

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