Endpoint Equipment Standards

Endpoint Equipment Standards

Purpose: This standard establishes guidelines for typically issued college-provided endpoints (laptops and desktops).

Scope: This standard applies to all faculty, staff, and contractors who require a college-issued device.

Device Standard:

  1. ITS will only provide a single endpoint for employee use based on the current equipment standards.
  2. Employees must use only company-provided endpoints for work-related tasks.
  3. Personal endpoints are strictly prohibited from connecting to the college network for work-related activities.

Security Measures:

  1. All college-provided endpoints must regularly be connected to the college network to receive security patches and updates.
  2. Endpoints must be configured to utilize the Central Piedmont domain.
  3. Administrative privileges to the device will not be provided.

Data Encryption:

  1. All mobile endpoints (laptops and tablets) must enable local data storage encryption.

Reporting Security Incidents:

  1. Employees must promptly report (within 24 hours) any security incidents, lost devices, or suspicious activities to ITS.
  2. ITS’ Cybersecurity must immediately enact the Incident Response Plan for these reported activities to initiate appropriate security measures.

Review and Updates: The ITS Cybersecurity team will periodically review this standard to ensure its effectiveness. Any necessary updates or modifications will be communicated to all relevant parties.

Approval: This standard is effective upon approval by the Chief Information Officer.


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