Parr Video Wall Content Creation

Tags Wall

When loading content onto the Parr Video Wall please ensure the following criteria is used or the content will not display properly.


  • All pictures must be set to a resolution of 3840px width by 720px height before loading into Korbyt


  • Videos must not have a bit rate larger than 5000 kbps.  If the video has a bit rate larger than 5000 kbps it will not load.  
  • All Videos must be set to a resolution of 3840px width by 720px height before loading into Korbyt

Slide Shows (PowerPoint):

  • A powerpoint slide show can be used, but the export function needs to be used by exporting as video.  Then follow the requirements for setting the video quality.
    • Videos must not have a bit rate larger than 5000 kbps.  If the video has a bit rate larger than 5000 kbps it will not load.  
    • All Videos must be set to a resolution of 3840px width by 720px height before loading into Korbyt

Templates to use:

Currently there is one template that can be used to load content on the video wall.  A copy of the template can be made, but do not alter the original template.  If a copy is made it is recommended that you not alter the settings unless you're confident the changes you are making will work.  The settings have been setup to ensure proper displaying of content. 

If using an altered template the person must check the video wall to ensure the content is displaying properly, 

The template is called Parr Video Wall MT

Instructions for loading content:

  1. Creating a Template:
  2. Go to Layout.
  3. Go to Create Layout
  4. Click on the down arrow
  5. Select Fixed Layout
  6. On Layout Types, select Fixed
  7. After selecting that, go to Layout Options and select Custom Layout Size/Dimensions
  8. After selecting, set the dimensions as 3840 Width and 720 Height
    • Before you click Create, Give the Layout a Name
  9. Click Create
    • This takes you to the template page:
  10. Select your media from the Add Elements.  Your Image Must be 3840 x 720 pixels
  11. Drag the image to the very top left corner of the template.
  12. On your image, on the bottom right corner of it, you will see a crosshair
  13. Stretch out the image until it is 156.32px in height by 814.45px wide.
    • You can always check it by going to the top right corner of your image. There is a blue gear icon you press.  Select properties and you will see your height and width.  Adjust accordingly to match the properties listed above.
    • This can be done the same with any other format  (Still Image, Video, Powerpoint, YouTube video, etc.)
    • It just needs to match the height and width properties listed above
  14. Then save and publish the media

For a visual, please review this demonstration video for further clarification on uploading content.