Microsoft Teams Channel Guide


Faculty & Staff


View memberships in Teams and Channels.
Add or remove user memberships.
Create, Edit, or Delete a Microsoft Teams Channel.


View memberships

To view Owners of a Team or channel, select the 3 horizontal ellipses ( ... ) and select Manage team/channel. This can only be done by users in the Owner role of the Team and Channels that the users have joined. Users that are in the Members role can view Owners and Members of the Team but not channels through this method.

manage team

manage channel

Alternatively, Owners and members can open the right side panel to view the people that are in the Channel. Be sure to click See all.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Note: This can be used on the General Channel of the Teams to view Team Owner(s).


Add or Remove Members

1. Select the 3 horizontal ellipses ( ... ) and select Manage team/channel. This can only be done by the Owners of the Team or Channel. 

manage team

manage channel

Alternatively, Open the right side panel to view the people that are in the Team or Channel. Be sure to click See all.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Owners of the Team or Channel can use this to edit permissions and make a user with the member role into an Owner role to either the Team or Channel. Alternatively, an Owner can edit permissions to switch a user from an Owner role to a member role. For best practice, the recommendation is to have more than one Owner on a channel. 

2. To add or remove members from either the Team or the Channel, go to Manage Team/Channel as the owner. Select +Add Member in the upper left corner. 

team list

3. Enter the name and select a user from the dropdown; the user will default to the Member role, if adding an owner select Owner. Multiple users can be added at a time, once satisfied, click Add.

add members

adding members

4. To remove a Member, select the X next to the name in the list. If needing to remove an owner, first change the role to member then proceed to remove by selecting X. NOTE: There is no confirmation when removing, user will immediately be removed. Please exercise caution, otherwise simply add them back with the instructions above.

remove member

In the same list as shown above, Owners of the Team/channel can change the roles of the users by selecting the down arrow " v " in the Role column and selecting either Owner or Member.


Create Channel

  1. Sign into Microsoft Teams and navigate to the Teams where the Channel will reside. Click the 3 horizontal ellipses ( ... ) next to the Team name. Owners should see Add channel in the drop-down. Teams Add Channel
  2. Fill out Channel's name and choose the type of channel, the description is optional. Please refer to this guide when deciding on the type of channel to create: MS Channels Chart or MS Roles and Definitions  Channel properties
    *NOTE: Channel Type CANNOT be changed once the Channel has been created.

  3. Once required fields are filled out, click Create channel confirm
  4. Option to share channel to users outside of the organization is given, choose to Skip or to enter name/email and Share Share channelThis is shown for a Shared Channel 

    Add more membersFor Private Channels, verbiage is slightly different.

    Standard Channels do not ask to add members.

  5. The channel is now created; icons indicate the type of channel, lock icon for Private, link icon for Shared, and no icon for Standard channels channel icons
    Note: In creating a Teams channel a Sharepoint site is also created for it though it is not advertised, please refer to the KB article Sharepoint site from Teams Channel linked in Further Reading below

Edit or delete Channels

  1. Click the 3 horizontal ellipses ( ... ) next to the channel in question **Note Private and Shared channels have options to Add members or Share channel, respectively, as well as Leave Channel for both or channel options
  2. Select Edit channel - this allows for changes in the Name of the channel or the description. When finished, click Save edit channel
  3. To Delete a channel, click the 3 horizontal ellipses ( ... ) for the drop-down again and select Delete channel. Confirmation to delete the channel will show to ensure this is the action wanted. Select Delete if that is the desired action. delete channel



Create a Channel in MS Teams, edit the name or description of a channel, delete a channel, and add or remove members in Teams or Channel.

Further Reading

Sharepoint site from Teams Channel

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