Accessing Course Materials for an Inclusive Access Course (Student Guide)

Inclusive Access is part of a program where course materials are included in a course charge or tuition.

There are 3 ways to access your course materials:

  • From your Brightspace course.
  • Via a link to your college student email-the link to your college email will be sent on the first day of class.
  • Via the BryteWave Website- Brytewave is a digital textbook and study platform where you can access your digital books.

From your Brightspace course

Login to Central Piedmont Brightspace at

Click on your course in Brightspace.

  • Click on Content from the Nav Bar. 
    • Click on the module "Purchase Materials/Textbooks."
    • Then choose the BryteWave link named BryteWave Course Materials.

  • Choose the digital course material you want to access

  • Click on the title and some product details will pop up.
    • For an ebook you can click READ NOW to open it  in a new tab.

  • Some digital products require a code to access the materials on the publisher’s website. 
  • Click Copy the Code to Clipboard and then click Access Courseware.
    • You will paste that code in the designated  field on the site you are sent to.

  • Note: That if the ACCESS COURSEWARE button is not available for a specific product, you will go directly to that publisher website listed in Brightspace or use a link provided by your  instructor.
  • If your product doesn’t have a code to copy, click “Access Courseware” to be directed to your digital product.


Via a link to your college student email

  • A BryteWave (RedShelf) account will be created using your college email address.  An email will be sent to you with a link to your shelf. 
  • This emailed link will take you to your BryteWave Discover Shelf account where you can login using your college email address and find your preloaded material(s) on your Shelf.
  • Additional support for email can be found here: BryteWave Email info

Via the BryteWave Website

  • Go to the Brytewave website
  • Select the Log In button in the upper right.
  • Select ‘Forgot Password’ or navigate to this link:
  • Use your college email address to reset your Brytewave password(this should be something other than your CPCC password).



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