Duo Mobile - Enrolling Your Account for Multi-Factor Authentication

Enroll With a Computer

Enroll With a Phone

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I am an employee so I already have Duo, how do I add my student account?

If you already have Duo and need to link your student account, please reach out to the ITS Service Desk as that will have to be added by them. You will not be able to enroll the same number on Duo yourself. Please be aware that due to security, you will be asked to verify your ID with a video call.

I can't download the Duo app on my phone, what do I do?

Duo has documentation stating that the current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 10.0 and greater, Android Go 10.0 and greater, and iOS 14.0 and greater.  Duo recommends upgrading to the most recent version of Android and iOS available for your device if possible. If not possible, you will have to go to the ITS Service Desk to request a Duo Token.

I already downloaded the app but I didn't activate the account, how do I activate the account?

If you have already enrolled and downloaded the app but found that you did not add the Central Piedmont account, please reach out to the ITS Service Desk at 704 330 5000 or submit a ticket stating that you need to activate the duo account. For reference, the duo app with an account added would look like the image below:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Enroll With a Computer

To enroll in Duo (the college's multi-factor authentication platform), please follow the instructions below:

1.  Navigate to our Account Management Portal ("AMP") at https://amp.cpcc.edu/.

2.  Enter your username and password, click on the drop-down menu labeled "Select Domain," select the applicable domain "Student" or "Faculty/Staff" then click "Login."


3. A Duo Mobile window will appear prompting users to set up an account. Image of a Welcome to Duo Screen with large "Next" option


4. There will be multiple windows about the importance of Multi-Factor Authentication. 

Image of a window stating that "97% of data breaches start by stealing your identity"

5. You will select Duo Mobile as your login option. 

A screen with options for logging in. Two options are listed, Duo Mobile and Security Key.

6. Enter your phone number and then select continue. If you are setting up your authentication on a device such a tablet without celluar service, you can select the "I have a tablet" option.

A screen with a prompt to enter your phone number will appear.

7. Confirm your phone number. 

An image with the phone number appears and an option to select "Yes it's correct" or "No, I need to change it"

8. You will then be prompted to install Duo Mobile on your device. 

A prompt stating "Download Duo Mobile" appears.

9. Once you select next a QR code will appear. You can also select "text me an activation link instead" to have a link sent to your email address. 

A prompt asking to Scan this QR code appears with a QR code option, and an option to "get activation link" instead.

10. Once you have scanned the QR code you will get a prompt stating that your enrollment was successful. 

A message saying "Added Duo Mobile" with a green check mark.

11. It will ask you if you want to set up another device, you can select "skip for now" if you do not have another device to add.

A screen asking if you want to add another way to log in.

12. You will recieve a final success message from Duo and authenticate your login. 

Setup Complete Success Message

I am an employee so I already have Duo, how do I add my student account?

If you already have Duo and need to link your student account, please reach out to the ITS Service Desk as that will have to be added by them. You will not be able to enroll the same number on Duo yourself.


Enroll With a Phone

1.  Navigate to our Account Management Portal ("AMP") at https://amp.cpcc.edu/.  Please ensure that you are opening the website in your browser.  The following may vary depending on the browser that you are using.  These steps are for the Chrome browser (recommended).

a.  Using Chrome on an Android device:

  •  Click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of your screen  and then select "Open in Chrome".

b.  Using Chrome on an iOS device:

  • Click on the share icon in the upper right corner of the screen  and then select Chrome.

2.  Click on the green “Login” button.  Enter your username and password, click on the drop-down menu labeled "Select Domain," select "Student," and click "Login."

3.  A "Welcome to Duo Security" window will pop up. 

A screen with "Welcome to Duo Security" and an option to select "Next"

4. You will select the Duo Mobile option to set up your Duo Mobile App. 

A screen with options for logging in. Two options are listed, Duo Mobile and Security Key.

5. You then be prompted to enter and confirm your phone number. 

A screen asking your to enter your phone number.

6. It will prompt you to install the Duo Mobile App. 

A screen asking you to Download Duo Mobile.

7. Select the option provided to start the set up in your Duo Mobile App. If you select the activation link option, it will give you the option to send a link to your email. 

A screen asking you to open Duo Mobile by selecting the Continue button.
8. It will take you to the app and it will ask if you want to name the account. You can leave it as Central Piedmont. Once you see this screen your account is fully set up. 

*Note- You will not use the passcode provided in your App*

Duo Home Screen with Central Piedmont Logo and Passcode

9. Once you navigate back to the browser, you will see the "Added Duo Mobile" confirmation screen. 

Added Duo Mobile Success Screen


10. You will receive a final success message from Duo and authenticate your login. 

Setup Complete Success Message

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