Student Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor FAQs

For Support with Respondus for Aleks, please visit the McGraw Hill Aleks Support Center

What type of support should students expect when they are instructed to take a test using Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor?

This depends on the type of issue a student encounters.  When a student experiences issues with Respondus, the best course of action is to advise them to follow these steps: 

  1. Send a message to the instructor(s) to alert them of the issue.

  2. Contact Respondus directly for support.  

  3. After creating a case with Respondus, submit a ticket to the Central Piedmont ITS Service Desk to document the issue on our end and create a record.  Students should provide the case number that they obtained when they called Respondus support.  This action will help us have visibility of the issue for follow-up.

Who should be the support for students in need?

  • When students are downloading Respondus for the first time and have questions about the instructions received from their instructors, they must first contact their respective instructors. 

  • Students should contact Respondus directly when they experience issues with the software.  

  • If students contact the Service Desk, they will be advised to contact Respondus support if the issue is related to Respondus software directly.

Where can students go on campus to use Respondus?

  • Students can visit any campus library to check out a Respondus laptop for 3 hours at a time. No reservation is needed. 

  • Support is available if an instructor needs a student to take the exam in one of our testing centers

  • The Student Technology Centers are unable to support exams that require Lockdown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor. 

What if I am using McGraw Hill ALEKS courseware? How can I use Respondus then?

  • Please contact McGraw Hill ALEKS

  • Instructors are able to use ALEKS with Respondus.  Please submit a service request via our Service Desk or contact McGraw Hill for more information.

Does Respondus require Adobe Flash Player? 

  • No. 

How do I enable pop-ups on my Chromebook?

Resources and Technical Support

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