ITS Software Renewal Process

Software renewals should be submitted at least 90 days in advance of expiration to prevent an interruption of service. This time frame allows the requestor to complete: any additional ITS reviews, procurement steps, GASB submissions, and/or risk management submissions.

The ITS evaluation consists of the following:  

  • Step 1: Submit a ticket through the TDX Client Portal - include the following information in your ticket: 

    • Software Name 

    • Expiration date | Any additional deadlines we should be aware of 

    • Courses that may be impacted (if applicable) 

    • Current licensing agreement 

    • Budgetary information (has a budget been approved) 

    • Updated quote/renewal invoice 

    • Vendor’s contact information 

    • Previously evaluated ticket number (if applicable) 

  • Step 2: Supervisor Approval

  • Step 3: If approved, the ticket will be assigned to the Business Relationship Management (BRM) team for evaluation and a determination will be made as to whether it contains all necessary information. 

  • Previously evaluated software renewals: 

  • If no changes have been made from the previous renewal, the request will be approved based on last year’s review.   

  • Software renewals that have not been evaluated: 

  • Step 4: Completion of Request 

    • The Business Relationship Analyst will send a resolution message including the risk level, the ticket number where the initial review was completed (if applicable), and any additional recommendations from ITS. 

Please contact Procurement for questions about buying orders, P-Card usage, and GASB-96 submission requirements.   

The Business Relationship Management team can provide additional guidance and will review the software renewal requests in the order they are received. 

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