Instructions for when a personal Microsoft account is linked to a CPCC email

Tags Microsoft

If you have ever linked your Central Piedmont email address to a personal Microsoft account it will need to be changed to another email address.  Having a personal MS account linked to a Central Piedmont email address causes issues with your Work/School Microsoft account.

Note:  If you don't have an alternative email address that isn't linked to an Microsoft account then you will need to create a new email address.

  • open a incognito browser
  • browsed to
  • Clicked "sign-in" in top right corner
  • signed into using CPCC email address and unique password (You may have to select personal account before this step)
  • clicked on "My Microsoft Account" under the profile icon
  • Clicked on "Your info" on the left navigation.
  • Scrolled down to "Account Info"
  • Identify what the email address listed.  It should be your cpcc address.
  • Click on "Edit account info"
  • Click on "Add Email"
  • Select "Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias" and insert alternative email.
  • Click "Add Alias"
  • Click "make primary alias" next to alternative email that was just added.
  • Click "remove" next to the cpcc email address.
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